10 Tips To A Healthy Pug – Pug Health Guide Online

pug world
10 Tips To A Healthy Pug
A pugs health, just like any other breed of dog, should be of paramount importance. This is why we have created a handy top 10 tips to having a healthy pug guide so that you can give your pug its greatest chance of living a long and fruitful life.

As with any breed of dogs, unfortunately, things can go wrong and pugs are known within the dog industry for having their fair share of problems. These health issues can be maintained though so there’s no need to worry. Some of the tips that we have outlined below may be obvious to you and some may not but we want to share them with you just in case you’ve overlooked one by mistake!

1. Keep Your Pug Slim & Fit – Most people see a pug and instantly think that they should be overweight. This is incorrect and certainly not how pugs wish to be perceived! Pugs are a very muscular and solid breed of dog with round features. A slim pug will be narrow at the neck, have nice broad shoulders which will get narrower before broadening again by their bottoms. Here our some of our personal dog food tips to keep your pug slim. Don’t feed dogs what you eat, they should have dry dog food instead of the canned variety and limit the amount of dog treats that they receive. Your vet will be able to guide you on how much your pug should be eating.

2. Walk & Exercise Your Pug – Pugs are known for sleeping over 13 hours a day and there’s nothing wrong with that. Pugs certainly need daily exercise though to keep their weight in order and to maintain a healthy heart and lungs. When walking your pug, please be aware of their breathing to ensure that you don’t push them to their limits. Due to their squashed faces, they do suffer from breathing issues. Pugs don’t need intense exercise, just short, regular amounts.

3. Keep Your Pug On A Lead/Leash – If you’re walking in an area that you are unsure of, please keep your pug on a lead or leash to ensure that they are with you at all times. When holding your pug, you can be sure that they won’t get away from you.

4. Keep Your Pug Enclosed – All breeds of dogs enjoy running around in a yard and garden. If you have a backyard, please ensure that it is secure and that your pug will not be able to escape.

5. Brush Your Pugs Teeth – Dental hygiene is essential for all dogs but especially pugs. A pug with healthy teeth will be able to digest their food better than a pug with food already in their gums from their last meal. This reduces the chances of stomach illness or intestine blockages. Rotting teeth can also cause abscesses which are very painful and are easily avoided with regular brushing. world of pug Choose an approved dental dog treat which are hard and abrasive as these remove plaque and tartar. Our handy tip when brushing your pugs teeth is to apply some liver flavoured toothpaste, get someone to hold your pug safely and brush quickly. After a few attempts, dogs get used to this and you shouldn’t have any future issues.

6. Check Your Pugs Temperature – Pugs suffer from overheating issues so regularly checking their temperature is a great way to maintain a healthy pug. Heat exposure can be fatal in pugs as it severely affects the heart and can cause seizures, heart attacks and kidney failure. Please also remember that just because your pug doesn’t appearing to be suffering from the heat, this doesn’t mean that they aren’t. Ensure that they are kept cool and well hydrated at all times in hot weather. This is to be taken VERY seriously.

7. Protect Your Pug From Parasites – Be aware that all dogs including pugs are prone to fleas, ticks, hookworms, roundworms and other parasites unless given the proper vaccinations and repellents. Consult your vet for in depth advice and use products such as Frontline to reduce the risks attached with this. A handy tip is to ensure that you clear your pugs poop up as soon as possible as worms are often found in the stool. Worms such as Hookworms lay their eggs in the grass and they can stay dormant for as long as a year so you want to make sure you reduce that chance as much as possible.

8. Give Your Pug Attention – Pugs love attention and although we’re sure we don’t need to tell you this, GIVE THEM ATTENTION. We know that life can be stressful at times but just remember that you have a pug who will cheer you up and reduce your stress levels. They are amazing dogs, treat them how they treat you.

9. Don’t Smoke Around Your Pug – This is a very short and sweet tip, NEVER smoke around your pug. It is bad for humans and just as bad, if not worse for all dogs, especially pugs.

10. Take Your Pug Places – Pugs are very social dogs and they love to be taken on special trips. This is a great way to keep your pug happy by introducing them to new scenery and smells!
Pug Health Issues Conclusion
We hope that you found our tips useful on how to keep your pug healthy, slim and as adorable as ever. If you have any questions relating to this article, please post them below and we’ll answer them as soon as we can.


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