Shock Top Raspberry White is Owned by Who Beer Lovers Guide

beer for life
Shock Top Raspberry White is Owned by Who?

Identifying as a Belgain-Style Wheat Ale, drinking this product was personally disappointing compared to the original Belgian White. I tried this beer by purchasing yet another variety pack of 12, at approx $22. There were 3 different kinds included such as the original, Belgian White, Raspberry White and Lemon Shandy for the summer seasonal pack. Included in the fall seasonal pack was a Pumpkin Spice which thankfully replaced the Lemon Shandy. At 5.2%, Shock Top prides itself on being unfiltered with hand-picked hops offered almost everywhere you go. Upon opening this beer, a strong artifical aroma of raspberry was present and tasting it was sweeter than average beer; a quality in which I strongly dislike. Raspberry Wheat has a light to golden color, seems lighter in body, still finishes clean and reminds me of a great summer beer. Suitable drinkers would include college school girls, sangria sippin’ lovers, or even the average foreman who enjoys a cold fruity beer after a long day!

After futher digging, I discovered this beer is actually owned by Canada’s largest brewery, Labatt, which is a part of Anheuser-Busch, which runs ownership of Budweiser, Michelob, Shock Top, Busch, Rolling Rock and more. beer drinker Seems strange as this beer identifies itself as an American microbrewery? Out of a large surveyed group of people, 75% believed Shock Top was a smaller more unique company, which didn’t have a large fan base. They were wrong. In 2015, Labatt plans on spending 2.7 million dollars on marketing Shock Top as a craft beer to those looking for a less popular drink choice. By no means does this hinder the taste of the product, but the actual brand damages itself by blatantly lying to the consumer just for an attempt to cash in on the hipsters of breweries who enjoy real craft beer. An amateur as myself could not tell immediately as my experience is still low but I do prefer smaller breweries over mainstream brands as they are less marketed and have better value for their cost.

That is all for this post, I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for the next post!

– Chelsea xo
love beer

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